Thursday, November 06, 2008

God's Timing

As I read a portion of Genesis 15 this morning, I was reminded that what God promises, he will indeed fulfill. As you probably know, Abraham was promised a nation. Nevertheless, as the years progressed, things we're looking pretty dim and the prospects of a son were looking even less likely. It was at that moment of frustration that Abraham called out, "O Sovereign Lord, what good are all your blessings when I don't even have a son?" Out of this moment of frustration God affirmed Abraham for waiting and told him that "you will have a son of your own to inherit everything I am giving you."

Sometimes, we feel like God has promised us something, that he's led us down a path of his calling. Nevertheless, as in the case of Abraham, it's a place of waiting wherein God tests our patience and he tests our resolve. It's as if God is testing our faith. Do we really believe that what he's promised us will happen or not?

If your in the waiting faze right now, know that if it was God's voice that brought you there, God's delays are not denials. They are simply a way of God acting in his own good time.

Keep the faith!