Monday, December 06, 2010

Songs For Christmas

As you may have noticed, the season of Christmas music is upon us. And as always, many noteworthy artists have released something NEW to get us through the holidays. Still, for better or worse, it's the classics that we seem to hear the most - year after year. While these so-called "classics" prevail on most radio, there's some great releases out there that typically fly below the radar. Check back often as I'll be revealing some of my favorites in the days and weeks leading up to Christmas. One of my personal favorites is found below.

Sufjan Stevens - Songs For Christmas

Comprised of 42 songs and 5 discs, Stevens has created what I would call a "modern-day classic." At various points, it's fun, witty, contemplative and worshipful. While released in 2006 as a complete package, Stevens originally released these over several years as gifts to his family and friends over the holidays. Now, they're a gift to you and I and are well-worth a listen. Featuring original and some classics too, Stevens has put together a quirky, eclectic and yet, an often beautiful release.