Monday, February 09, 2009

Dylan Get's Saved (Part 2)

Much could be said about the overall library of Bob Dylan's music. While I'm somewhat a fan of Dylan, I'm by no means the Dylan expert. I leave that label for the real experts, such as those who've actually listened to his corpus of music in it's entirety. Stephen Webb, in his book that I've been reading titled "Dylan Redeemed," suggests that when one looks at the whole of Dylan's recordings, one finds the origins of what would later become Dylan's three Christian recordings. In other words, Webb is saying that while his earlier music may not have been labeled "Christian," there is no small amount of theology therein. While Dylan didn't have his born again experience until the late seventies, the foundation for his soon to be Christian faith can be found in many of his earlier songs. So, even though many Dylan fans might be less than excited by such a claim, it's pretty hard to ignore when one truly gives some of his earlier records a spin. I'll touch on some of those in the days ahead...